GPN as a coach solution

GPN as a coach solution

GPN as a coach solution

GPN stands for Global Passenger Network, a group of networks representing the best motor coach and travel companies in the world.

GPN provides clients with high quality coach services and travel options all over the world through its website. 

It delivers secure, reliable, convenient bus services to match any of clients' expectations. 

GPN is the first international passenger transportation organization renowned among the highest class national motor coach networks or private companies. The network includes one organization from each country which is destinguished by the highest quality service and safety standarts.

In Russia only two companies were able to fit international travel requirements and join GPN. Tari Tour is one of the two members of GPN in Russia that confirms Tari's status of a premium company with high quality service and safety quarantees. Here you can find a more detailed information about the members of GPN in Russia from its official website.

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